February 28,2011

after the gym weight..

Monday I went to gym night time .I joined just the swimming then the sauna and went home.


Saturday Gym 2-26-11
Today I started doing workout in the machine,not sweating too much unlike when I started doing it in swimming pool.
Anyway I enjoyed the skii machine work out today my first day to do it in gym..
SUNDAY 27.2011 watch video I reach early so I need to wait for the gym to open 10:00..
Today 2-27 Just did the sauna and went back home..
video february 26,2011

Today I  went to gym I did many actions,work out..

FEBRUARY 25,2011

Today february 25 Friday the gym is close so Im home I created some video about how to care our feet.This care was teach by a japanese yoga instructor from the gym 2yrs ago.Just want to share coz its good in taking care of our feet..

February 24,2011

Today I went to gym around 20:00.I did the swimming although I can not  swim..lol..I first did the swimming then I did work out..I sweat too much when I do the machine work out.
If you do swimming first you sweat more when doing the machine work out..
Watch my video in the gym..
In my mind I wanted to lose weight but I didnt control myself to eat so need to work out    to maintain  not to get fat..I went back around 23:00..

FEBRUARY 22 ,2011

My quotes today 2^22
Today is my Birthday ,am 41 years old.If life begins at 40 then am 1 year old.lol..
Nothing so special about  celebrating ,Am just thankful about the  fact that am still alive and I live in peace..
THANK YOU GOD, all is only because of your mercy,love.and grace..
Planning to go gym later..
I completed my video for my 41th birthday,This is about last year when I was about to reach my 40 birthday.And I included video  about the Melegrito family birthday party .One reason to become fat is to attend and  eat in the party.Sometimes very difficult to control..included here also our video last sunday while we are enjoying our lunch in Indian restauran..
This is courtesy of Sis.Ester Banglos .Thank you my dear sister for the treat..
Thank you sister Tracey and sis.Emma for coming at sa  greetings..God Bless po..

                                            YOU TUBE VERSION MOVIE
                                              This is my  video for my this year 
                                                41th birthday .
                                              My Video last year click HERE

Today my birthday I went to gym,I lose some weight.Sauna is very effective in losing weight but need to stay longer inside the hot dry sauna then cold shower after 12 to 15min.But it depends on our body condition..On the picture   the time I entered and finished ,today it shows I did only  more than one hour no working out,just perspiration..


February 19-20 -21 gym story

Gym for today saturday 2-19-11,I just want to do the sauna for today  but theres so many people in the sauna so I only stay for more than one hour in the gym and go back home.I gained some grams because I didnt resist the taste of the curry and rotti.

February 20.Sunday
After the morning practice we went to the gym with sis.Ester  .While she wait I just enjoyed the dry sauna. After sauna  we visit an Indian restauran located near the gym its been a long time we didnt come to this place to eat buffet ^_^waahh this is the cause of all my unwanted fats^_^I love to eat ...



Single Sis.Ester

With the Sachoo Hassan san..

February 21.2011

February 21,A day before my birthday nothing so special just love to stay in the sauna and think ...Sometimes there are moments in our life that happen unexpectedly ,that we just want to think just think...
I went home early i cooked an create videos, 

Today thursday ,I did many things in gym, watch my updated video HERE..I just can not put the swimming and sauna..I reach 65kg for the first time for almost 10months..

My update situation Diet story pic.. February 15,2011

 My 13th  day in gym I lose 3 kg,from 69 now am 66.. Today I focused  myself  in the pool.I walked in the water for one hour  ,and rest inside the steam sauna for one hour..Then after that I stay in  dry sauna for one hour again then went home..Didnt lose weight that much but  better than gaining more..

Gym before  and after 

FEBRUARY 16,2011

February 16 2011 Wednesday
I went to gym morning time.I started in the sauna ,I brought ice bar today ,I enjoyed the sauna heat..
This is very effective for losing weight and good feeling.
After one hour sauna I did some machine training and tread mill walking..
Watch Video

Firstday in the Pool

Its been my two weeks in attending the gym .Today its my first day to see and try the pool .Its very nice to stay in the pool,there is jacuzzi and Steam sauna ...Instead of writing too much story I took pics for the memorable moments i had today..
ready to go pool

Because of too much eating of dinner i didnt lose weight much,almost same as yesterday..

my weight Before 

mads and momoka
First Day in the Pool pic..

work out
Today Its my first day in the pool ,I went to gym together with sister and very cute neice.

eating creepe

My weight after

                                                      Falling Of Snow In Tokyo
                                                             After the Gym

My video february 13.2011

Today Sunday  february  13,2011 after the morning practice in the church me and sis.Ester went to gym.We joined the aerobics and had fun in the training machine.click HERE to watch our video .
madz before

madz After

Sis.Ester bought her gym wear in the gym wear corner
    In the afternoon we went to restauran to eat our dinner

Loss weight episode

Today  as usual working out in the gym..I joined the aeromania ,little by little im loving the step ..I used  machine for  making the abs strong,strong abbs is good to support the hips and back..
I used machine to make legs strong also.
I wish there is a machine to make the heart muscle hard..^_^because somteimes I feel heart beat faster..
Anyway this is my story about going to gym today..

                                           My   video using machine to make legs stronger.

This video I took served as my remembrance ..


 February 11,2011-GYM IS OFF

Today Gym is off thats why I created video for you to watch..Very simple to show you how to love your feet..

Today I am doing some work out first I did the sauna then I love this cycling work out where i can watch movie..I watched the Social network the movie while doing the work out.Doing work out is easy if you do it not in the hard way..Take it Easy..
In doing the work out ,I felt some changes like make myself move easily.I wish that in the near future I can go for a job ..
My health was not so good ,I can not move my right hands upward,I felt numbness and  was paralyzed ,I was so weak .stay home everyday do internet because of this.But hopefully I will completely  recover soon  ..
Going to gym for me is a big help for my health ,it motivates me to move and  do the worked out.
Today while am in the sauna i did the stretching while meditating..I prayed to God like Im talking to Him...I asked why there  is pain and tiredness etc..then God gave me the answer although I already know ..In the beginning people lived in the paradise where nothing to worried but people attitude is not respectful to God..While we are still alive we must serve God  in bad times and in good times..So in order to live in peaceful and perfect place we must follow Jesus Christ who showed us the example how..Today I think about  all of this while doing the sauna and doing the meditation..I am just writing the summary because my english is not good ..^_^
Today I can moved my hands up ward unlike before..

After the worked out

Click and read

     Loss weight in gym updated story..   
To Improve English click here                                                

Today February 9 is my 8th  days going to  gym  to work out "anniversary "lol^_^
I went to gym also today, I joined the aeromania class..I did walking and cycling as well..
Im controlling myself to eat,Like I always have in my table apple and cereals.Actually my gym instructor in aerobics said one banana ,jelly and 2litters of water a day is so effective in doing diet..
But today I cooked my favorite menu ,the fish head with  with meso soup..Very delicious...^_^

Before the work out                         and                           after..