
 February 11,2011-GYM IS OFF

Today Gym is off thats why I created video for you to watch..Very simple to show you how to love your feet..

Today I am doing some work out first I did the sauna then I love this cycling work out where i can watch movie..I watched the Social network the movie while doing the work out.Doing work out is easy if you do it not in the hard way..Take it Easy..
In doing the work out ,I felt some changes like make myself move easily.I wish that in the near future I can go for a job ..
My health was not so good ,I can not move my right hands upward,I felt numbness and  was paralyzed ,I was so weak .stay home everyday do internet because of this.But hopefully I will completely  recover soon  ..
Going to gym for me is a big help for my health ,it motivates me to move and  do the worked out.
Today while am in the sauna i did the stretching while meditating..I prayed to God like Im talking to Him...I asked why there  is pain and tiredness etc..then God gave me the answer although I already know ..In the beginning people lived in the paradise where nothing to worried but people attitude is not respectful to God..While we are still alive we must serve God  in bad times and in good times..So in order to live in peaceful and perfect place we must follow Jesus Christ who showed us the example how..Today I think about  all of this while doing the sauna and doing the meditation..I am just writing the summary because my english is not good ..^_^
Today I can moved my hands up ward unlike before..

After the worked out

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