FEBRUARY 22 ,2011

My quotes today 2^22
Today is my Birthday ,am 41 years old.If life begins at 40 then am 1 year old.lol..
Nothing so special about  celebrating ,Am just thankful about the  fact that am still alive and I live in peace..
THANK YOU GOD, all is only because of your mercy,love.and grace..
Planning to go gym later..
I completed my video for my 41th birthday,This is about last year when I was about to reach my 40 birthday.And I included video  about the Melegrito family birthday party .One reason to become fat is to attend and  eat in the party.Sometimes very difficult to control..included here also our video last sunday while we are enjoying our lunch in Indian restauran..
This is courtesy of Sis.Ester Banglos .Thank you my dear sister for the treat..
Thank you sister Tracey and sis.Emma for coming at sa  greetings..God Bless po..

                                            YOU TUBE VERSION MOVIE
                                              This is my  video for my this year 
                                                41th birthday .
                                              My Video last year click HERE

Today my birthday I went to gym,I lose some weight.Sauna is very effective in losing weight but need to stay longer inside the hot dry sauna then cold shower after 12 to 15min.But it depends on our body condition..On the picture   the time I entered and finished ,today it shows I did only  more than one hour no working out,just perspiration..


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