February 19-20 -21 gym story

Gym for today saturday 2-19-11,I just want to do the sauna for today  but theres so many people in the sauna so I only stay for more than one hour in the gym and go back home.I gained some grams because I didnt resist the taste of the curry and rotti.

February 20.Sunday
After the morning practice we went to the gym with sis.Ester  .While she wait I just enjoyed the dry sauna. After sauna  we visit an Indian restauran located near the gym its been a long time we didnt come to this place to eat buffet ^_^waahh this is the cause of all my unwanted fats^_^I love to eat ...



Single Sis.Ester

With the Sachoo Hassan san..

February 21.2011

February 21,A day before my birthday nothing so special just love to stay in the sauna and think ...Sometimes there are moments in our life that happen unexpectedly ,that we just want to think just think...
I went home early i cooked an create videos, 

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